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Re: Injector Duty Cycle ... have data ... need advice
I will be dropping in 24's in place of stock 22's soon, but I think the SVO
24's are rated at a different PSI then the GM 22's. I remember looking thru
an archive document with lotsa injector numbers and flow rates.. but no
SVO's in there. anyone know what PSI etc the F*rd SVO's are rated at?
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Plecan <nacelp@bright.net>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Injector Duty Cycle ... have data ... need advice
> What is the measured performance difference at 48 PSI, and 52 PSI?.
> Compared this base line at 50?...
> That's what matters
> Lots of guys have used the 24's as drop ins for the 22s
> Grumpy
> > c) Or, Invest in a set of 26lbers. I am currently running my 22lbers at
> > @50psi. This makes it seem like my injectors are 24lbers. So, do I
> > even larger injectors??