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Re: Injector Duty Cycle
To use a multimeter as you suggest you need to clamp the voltage first.
The Voltage in the car varies from 11 to 16 volts. This means you need
to use a resistor and zener diode to clamp the voltage at a lower
voltage, then avarage the voltage to get the dwell. This is exactly what
a dwell meter does, and that is why I suggested a dwell meter.
Dave Zug wrote:
> Using a DMM and taking a DCV reading and reverse calculating based on RMS?
> you'll have to know the upper and lower voltages, AND hold the injectors to
> a steady state to even be close, OR have the ability to record the DCV. I
> guess you "can".
> oh well, my 0.02
> If you use a multimeter that is a scopemeter you can ;-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: trax <trax@frederickmd.com>
> To: Gmecm@Diy-Efi. Org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 10:59 AM
> Subject: Injector Duty Cycle
> > I've heard that you can use a MultiMeter to measure the Injector Duty
> Cycle.
> > Can someone explain how to do this ... i.e. what settings on the
> MultiMeter
> > and where to stick the probes.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >