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Re: That a joke
Like I was saying, you can make all of those things. I did when I got
started and no one said it had to be aluminum( I actually made a TB spacer
out of Corian, very hard and heat resistant, and injector spacer out of a
peice of cutting board plastic), and grump just went over the easy & cheap
way to get 2" bores. It would completely defeat the purpose if you got a bbc
tb and then got a spacer adapter that necked down to run on your stock
manifold, dont believe the hype, youdspend loads of cash for minimal
improvement IMHO.
At 11:44 PM 6/2/00 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 06/02/2000 13:15:00 Pacific Daylight Time,
>nacelp@bright.net writes:
><< Please don't take offense.
> Just I got burnt by them. >>
>None taken. Since I started this, I'll run this by you guys.
>I have an '87 350 TBI, spare engine is a '90 model. What's the advantages of
>these mods and the disadvantages;
>Putting on a BBC TBI, spacer underneath it. I've noticed there's a new one
>on the market, the Helix, that is grooved to improve atomization, and the
>injector spacer that raises the spacers.
>As for the spacer, I've seen the ones that are 2 inch on top, then taper down
>to fit the manifold, am I right on this?
>So far I'm looking at 229 for the BBC, spacer is anywhere from 40 to 90
>dollars depending on which one, and I think the injector spacer is around 20
>dollars. Now obviously I can scrounge the junkyards for the TBI unit and
>save a few bucks.
>What and where would I expect performance gains? Bottom end is great, top
>end needs a little help, so does mileage.
>As for pressure, I read some of the talk about increasing fuel pressure,
>would this help performance and what would I want to increase it to?
>"I believe that we are again engaged in a
> great civil war, a cultural war thats about
> to hijack your birthright to think and say
> what lives in your heart"
> ---Charlton Heston----
> Feb 16, 1999