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Re: That a joke

In a message dated 06/02/2000 13:15:00 Pacific Daylight Time, 
nacelp@bright.net writes:

<< Please don't take offense.
 Just I got burnt by them. >>
None taken.  Since I started this, I'll run this by you guys.

I have an '87 350 TBI, spare engine is a '90 model.  What's the advantages of 
these mods and the disadvantages;

Putting on a BBC TBI, spacer underneath it.  I've noticed there's a new one 
on the market, the Helix, that is grooved to improve atomization, and the 
injector spacer that raises the spacers.

As for the spacer, I've seen the ones that are 2 inch on top, then taper down 
to fit the manifold, am I right on this?  

So far I'm looking at 229 for the BBC, spacer is anywhere from 40 to 90 
dollars depending on which one, and I think the injector spacer is around 20 
dollars.  Now obviously I can scrounge the junkyards for the TBI unit and 
save a few bucks.

What and where would I expect performance gains?  Bottom end is great, top 
end needs a little help, so does mileage.

As for pressure, I read some of the talk about increasing fuel pressure, 
would this help performance and what would I want to increase it to?

"I believe that we are again engaged in a
 great civil war, a cultural war thats about
 to hijack your birthright to think and say
 what lives in your heart"
          ---Charlton Heston----
              Feb 16, 1999