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Electric Vehicle bragging (was Re: Heat...)

Oh, Ya? :-)  I'm working with an electric motorcycle that does 10.5 in the
mile at 125 MPH.  With approx. 400 cells, puts out almost 2 k amps :-)
It'll have 602 cells in a week or two.
It's over 100 MPH at 1/8th mile, so it could use a transmission.

(Sorry for the non-gmecm content, but mabe in 20 years, gmecm will deal
with this stuff)

> I had an ELECTRIC RC car that we clocked at 65 mph in a bronco. 8 cells and
> a small DC motor. clean and green ;-) it used 96-strand 10 guage wire and
> rechargable matched-cells that put out 1.55vdc each, 3000MaH packs.
> www.towerhobbies.com
