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Re: Any other GM comms speeds?
>But, If you have the TIS, then you can program your own cartridge for the
>Tech1 and use that to diagnose the ECU. The only requirements are that you
>have access to a Tech1 - and a spare MSC cartridge to program !!!. Of
>course, this costs over 2000 quid ($3000 US) to buy here in the UK, which
>takes all the fun out of tinkering with the ECU. Depends how desparate you
>are to use that ECU. IMHO, your better of putting the money towards the new
>Holden HSV
Actually I just ordered a new Holden SS (arrives July11), which still has
the LS1 V8 only $20K cheaper but less 30Kw and a horrendous insurance
Oh yeah, I don't have a Tech1, as for the Multec description, I have seen
this used before as well. I actully just pulled this ECM from a wreck in a
yard, and figured I might try to interogate it a bit, looks like it is
destined to be a driver donator.
>Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G
>Psst.. Just between you me and the gatepost - I have a de-dongled copy of
>both TIS and EPC. Don't let Mr Vauxhall know. He'll throw all the toys out
>of his pram !
De-Dongled??, my CD runs just fine. Believe it or not, it was left in a
friends car after a service!!, some people are just lucky I guess.
Thanks for trying,
Ross Myers