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RE: Changing 165 fuel delivery was "General tuning

GM>Yep that is jy price..... now I'm not familiar but there is a couple of
GM>turbo sunbirds that I grabed a maf from... is this the 2 bar one??  Someone
GM>looking for one of these?
GM>Mike Rolica
GM>Plant A,
GM>Magnesium Products Division

GM>(519)-245-4040  Ext. 265

GM>		-----Original Message-----
GM>		From:	Marteney, Steven J. [SMTP:smarteney@xlvision.com]
GM>		Sent:	Friday, June 16, 2000 12:00 PM
GM>		To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
GM>		Subject:	RE: Changing 165 fuel delivery was "General
GM>tuning question - fuel economy"

GM>		"Map sensor and little funky vacume line +$5.00 canadian and
GM>I even have a
GM>		aback up.
GM>		Ecm+$55"

GM>		Is $5 for a MAP a junkyard price?  In the states, they seem
GM>to be about $35
GM>		new, and I don't think the exchange rate is the reason ;-)

GM>		Steve
GM>		To unsubscribe from gmecm, send "unsubscribe gmecm" (without
GM>the quotes)
GM>		in the body of a message (not the subject) to

yes, I'm looking for one.  I'll contacto you this evening when I'm at my
home machine.