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Re: MAF Flowbench (was Changing 165 / Nother Q)

> Has anyone scientifically measured the effect on readings between an
> unported, stock, screened MAF and a ported (no sink) and un-screened MAF? I
> figgered roughly the percentage of area opened up, and a little tweak for
> the reduction in air turbulance and went with that to re-calibrate the MAF
> tables. I figgered a shop vac and a y-pipe and a volts meter would give a
> ratio as well.  anyone done it?  share?  of coarse the voltage reading will
> be lower for the gutted MAF,  but it would be cool to have a graph of each
> at all flow levels ;-))

I don't even know who asked this question, that post was waay too fat
and random ;^) but...

I've got "good intentions" on building a flowbench "calibrator" for a
MAF, comparing a stock one to a ported one. The trick is NOT a Y-pipe
but two MAFs in series. Since they're in series, you know that the same
amount of air has to be flowing through both of them. Measure the stock
MAF, measure the ported MAF, and there's your scaling. I was going to do
2-3 feet of PVC, followed by a stock MAF, then 2-3 feet PVC, followed by
a ported MAF, then 2-3 feet PVC, followed by a leafblower in suck mode.
And use some sort of contraption to throttle the air going in....

Of course, it's down on my list of priorities right now, but I was going
to do it for the LT1 MAFs. Someone may beat me to it, though...
