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Re: Dead EPROM programmer

Ludis, i personally use a Dataman S4 hvae found it really reliable & yes it
does have a serial port. its really easy to run has prom id function etc &
librarys of devices can be downloaded from web site just search
"dataman"...cant remember the url offhand


----- Original Message -----
From: Ludis Langens <ludis@cruzers.com>
To: gmecm <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 7:01 PM
Subject: Dead EPROM programmer

> My EPROM programmer appears to have died.  :-(  Addresses which have a
> high A10 aren't read correctly.  This started when I tried to program a
> GM 2732.  It wouldn't program at 12.5 volts (2732B), it wouldn't program
> at 21 volts (2732), and finally it still didn't program at 25 volts
> (2732).  I now suspect that it was a 2732B with a different programming
> algorithm.  The 25 volts blew up the EPROM, and then the blown EPROM
> damaged the EPROM programmer.  (On the 2732, A10 is the next pin over
> from VPP.)
> The programmer has a neat minimal component design.  A single chip
> microcontroller (68HC05) does everything - no big RAM banks, no fancy
> I/O and so on.  Ever since I saw such unbuffered designs, I've been
> concerned that a bad EPROM might damage the programmer.  It appears that
> my concerns are valid.
> Does anyone have recomendations for a serial port interfaced programmer?
>  I suppose I could buy another of the same design, or actually it's
> bigger brother.  I'll probably check the local electronics surplus
> houses for an old bulletproof DataIO.  Another possibility is the
> Dataman S4, which might have a serial port.
> --
> Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
> Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/
