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Re: Knock Sensor Question
> > Do you have audible ping?.
> Yes, when the engine temps are over 190 or so and I use 87 octane gas....
> I use higher grade gas, I have no audible knock.
Simple solution there, does this really need comment?.
Either with 87 your exceeding the max retard, and it pings, or ESC inop. if
not setting a code er 43 (whatever the ESC one is for your ap.) then the ESC
passes at least the diagnostic self test in the ecm. Yes, you can have
inaudible knock, and destroy an engine with a proper working ESC, that's why
I keep repeating read the plugs.
> > Have you run diacom on it?.
> yes, before the motor swap, Diacom reported knocks... Now it doesn't.
What the last engine did is about meaningless, we're talking about this one
> > Have you done any proper tuning?.
> When I put the motor in last January, everything was new. Plugs, wires,
> etc. Timing is set stock.
That's not tuning, that's maintanence.
> I get no audible knock, but I want to make sure there is no knock going
OK look at the plugs
> Plus, when tuning, I kind of want the protection of the knock sensor
> working!
In other worlds you want guarantees, and no risk involved sorry the world
don't work that way.
I'm thinking that either the knock sensor quit, or the EST stuff is
> not working correctly.
Get a diagnostic tool, and see what's going on. Your asking for the list to
play dr., over the phone
> Craig
> > Grumpy
> > > I've heard people having similar problems to what you describe, but
> > > actually having a different problem. I don't get any retard!
> > was
> > > working fine before I had the motor rebuilt, so that's what got me
> > wondering
> > > if I screwed it in too tight, or not tight enough.... or maybe my
> > > sensor is just no good anymore.
> > > Craig M.