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Re: I tire of bruce plecans childish threats
Hey dude, never done this kind of thing before, but feel inclined to do so
at this moment after having read a few things...................
All of us on these lists (DIY-FI and GMECM) have come here as part of an
in-borne personal curiosity which has drawn us here collectively, either by
natural curiosity or necessity. Sometimes we get answers that we don't want
to hear, and sometimes we get ansers that we don't like to hear. Sometimes
we also don't even get answers at all, period.
There is a wealth of talent on the lists here. But, if you piss-off, or
take-on, the wrong person in a public forum then you can pretty much
guarantee silence with respect to your issues/requests.
I've only known Bruce for a short while, but I know enough that you should
not be slagging him in this manner in a public forum. If you have a problem
with him, then take it off-line. Tantrums of this nature are offensive to
the list. Learn to communicate with him and with others................
>"At 05:11 AM 6/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
>>Never mind you still haven't learned anything about dealing with people.
>>Back to square one
>> I'm beginning to wonder if your suffern from selective
>>listening / reading.
>>Your still using the oem TB and injectors right?.
>>How can you expect an oem set up to run like a Hotrod?.
>assume assume assume.. thats what hes all about
>And i dont see why alot of you take his BS.. so the guy figured out how to
>program his car. so the guy writes programming 101, who died and made him