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Re: I tire of bruce plecans childish threats

>  assume assume assume.. thats what hes all about
Actually, that's what many of us are about.  We assume that
new members would have the same tact as we did before we
could offer much in return.  We assume folks want to *give* 
occasionally, rather than just take, take,take..
 Getting combative when your questions aren't answered in the 
manner that *you* deem correct is only going to make your mail less
welcome by others in the future after the pee & vinegar has worn off.
Read: even if you turn into a nice guy in the future, 
          folks are deleting/filtering your posts without reading them.
As for you _publicly_ knowing what Grumpy is "all about", you sound  
foolish at best.  I think your post showed poor judgement..
Mike V