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RE: Chatting with a 730


Malcom is pretty much spot on both in regards to the "idle chatter" and the 
checksum being probably due to data clashes on the bus.

Excellent Idea to try the f0,56,01,b9 command.
Use the command
c:\>probe -r  "f0 56 01"
Probe automatically calculates and adds the checksum b9.

There is also the command that attempts to listen for and display chatter, 
use the command:
c:\>probe -l

Probe.exe is not really designed to work in with chatter. I have designed 
another program called "EFIlive Diagnostics" which does work with chatter. 
I'll send it to you. If anyone else wants a copy let me know - its free and 
it lets you "play" around with all kinds of settings and combinations so you 
can figure out how to talk to your ECM.

By the way I am not familiar at all with US vehicles. The term: 730, does 
that by any chance refer to the Syclone/Typhoon truck?
The data/chatter looks similar to the SyTy stuff.

Paul Blackmore

- -----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 12:37:15 +0100
From: "Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G" <Webmaster@lotus-carlton.fsnet.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Chatting with a 730

I could be way off base, but it looks to me that the ECU is ignoring your
f4,56,01,b5 request, and the replies you are seeing are actually just the
idle chatter of :


The third line of this starts with f0, so untill/unless anyone else has any
better ideas, you might try changing your request to an f0 as well. i.e.


The parity errors are probably because both the ECU and the PC are
transmitting at the same time, because the ECU is ignoring your request.

Hope this helps, and that there is a semblance of truth in what I say !
Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G

- -----Original Message-----
From:	D. Barry Stubbs [SMTP:z24man@earthlink.net]
Sent:	Thursday, July 13, 2000 7:20 AM
To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject:	Chatting with a 730

Mr. Mattei has been extremely helpful to me in trying to get working an
interface between my laptop and my 730.  But I don't seem to be having
much luck, and was wondering if anyone could take a look at this:


Its a 14K text file of the output from the EFLive's PROBE program.  I
set it for 99 iterations and logged the results.  Aside from a few
checksum errors (which DO concern me), I am curious if the varied
response length indicated is normal.  It seems to have a pattern to it,
so I'm not too worried, and am assuming that the timeouts and the frame
lengths didn't sync perfectly each time.

What prompted this inquiry with PROBE is that, when attempting to use
ALDLMON (located at http://pweb.de.uu.net/pr-meyer.h/aldl.htm ), I can't
seem to get it to function for me.  The message I continually receive is
"ECM not responding" unless I remove power from the interface, then it
reports "Cable or Interface not present."  So it seems to understand
that there is an interface there.

Any suggestions or ideas?  Could the checksum errors be throwing off
ALDLMON that severely?  Also, is there any other software out there
available now that'll talk to 730s?  Does the 730 need a 10K resistor on
ALDL pins A & B to enter 8192 comm?  As recap/supplementary, this is a
730 with the ADKM prom.

Thanks, in advance, to all.