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Re: '747 and Proportional Stuff

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 22:40:36 -0400, rr <RRauscher@nni.com> wrote:

>(been busy)

That's OK, it was worth the wait. :)

>The PID loop is executed 40 times a second (every 25 msec).  The prop
>duration is a lookup as described. Note that the '747 tables for duration
>is in seconds based on: TablVal = sec's * 40.

Ooops, well I was only off by a binary order of magnitude! :)  Yup,
gotcha; yes I WAS asking about the PID loop execution period. In these
ECM's, is that time period interrupt driven, or is there a timed major
loop with a counter to maintain periodicity? Just wondering if the
periods show up plainly somewhere in the code, either as a counter value
that's read or as a timed interrupt handler that's set up. Not a biggie,
just curious. Been awhile since I played with real-time code.

Main thing is I have the period of computation now, tank you tank you;
would sure like to get some time to put some flesh on dem bones and
build up a model of the PID control loop to play with. So many
eXperiments, so little time. Ya know there are books written on how to
tune PID loops, if you can create an accurate system model, but I'm such
a neophyte at this, I couldn't really tell ya at this point if such a
venture would pay off with anything useful. Sure like to sniff around at
it to see, tho. :)
